2023-12-16 14:13:34 -

2023-12-17 11:37:45 -

2023-12-22 09:39:49 -

2023-12-18 13:58:13 -

2023-12-23 08:23:08 -
这个7寸的臂包放我的华为MATE40PRO空间还有富裕,基本上可以适配市面上大部分的手机。 绑带是打孔设计,透气性好,用来跑步很适合。 手机放在臂包里面可以正常操作,指纹解锁也可以正常使用。 性价比比较高的一款臂包。

2023-12-14 20:50:05 -

2023-12-24 16:05:41 -
做工细节:很好 外观颜值:赖者 适用场合:合适 容量空间:大小合适

2023-12-14 16:45:00 -

2023-12-22 22:21:49 -

2023-12-14 23:28:34 -

度假加勒比 (一) 旅行计划

度假加勒比 (一)


作者: 華西車城

年底緊急赴蓉, 因為岳母病危, 為盡孝道在醫院權當護工, 累壞了本來就不強壯的身體。返回車城, 稍事安頓, 決定到加勒比度個假, 也好徹底恢復體力。郵輪、機票和酒店剛剛訂妥不久, 從國內傳來父親病逝的噩耗, 父親的突然去世讓我再一次踏上緊急返蓉的坎途。在眾多舊友和一些親戚的幫助下, 料理父親的後事, 接送遠道而來悼念的親戚, 道別、火化、安葬、辦理遺產繼承手續等等, 成都的大街上再次留下我這個“老成都”疲憊的腳印。

事情雖多, 連自己也沒想到, 在成都的舊關係更多。短短三週, 辦妥了常人幾乎要花上一年才能辦好的事情, 不大可能的事情, 也讓我辦得差不多了, 居然能夠在趕回美國的時候沒有耽誤旅行出發日。

一回到美國, 便急沖衝去辦公室上了兩天班, 做做樣子。接下來, 馬上就著手出發旅行的準備。身心疲憊的我和妻子, 急需這樣一趟旅行, 需要調整一段時間, 方可以飽滿的精力投入日後的工作。

加勒比海與大西洋之間有著一連串的美麗熱帶島嶼, 以前我們曾經到訪過巴哈馬和拿騷, 這次的六島之行,往南方走得更遠些, 算是能夠真正領略加勒比海的味道。

小時候學歷史, 課本上老牌西方列強就包括, 丹麥、荷蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙、法國、英國和後起之秀美國。我很喜愛地理知識, 除了自然地理, 也包括經濟和政治地理。腦袋裡雖有列強的記憶, 其實理解並不深刻。這次的旅行, 可以體會到海上強國昔日的輝煌, 牛皮不是吹的, 航海技術是真正的科學。

加勒比海島國的歷史, 充分反映了歐洲殖民者的歷史。從航海探險, 到開疆拓土, 從資源佔有, 到販運黑奴。有通過戰爭手段強取, 也有和平條約解決紛爭, 還有美國人發明的商業運作, 通過購買,來實現殖民。有關加勒比海島國的過去, 最為有名的人物, 當數西班牙大航海家克里斯托弗•哥倫布。發現美洲新大陸的功績世人傳頌, 然而他發現其它重要島嶼的歷史, 卻被我們的教科書忽略了, 事實上加勒比海這裡, 幾乎每個海島都有他的影子。

中國自認有個齊名的大航海家鄭和, 一出海就浩浩蕩盪, 動哉戰船上百艘, 隨行上萬人, 除了去看西洋鏡, 便是掠奪, 好東西裝船帶回, 以孝敬朝廷。然而西方人也差不多會幹同樣的事情, 但最能孝敬皇上的, 則是建立海外殖民地, 展拓聖上的疆土, 看看兩人航海後的結果就知區別在哪裡。

我們的旅程始於波多黎各三王港, 乘嘉年華郵輪“勇氣”號, 沿東加勒比總共航行七天七夜。向南直抵格林納達、特立尼達和多巴哥東北的島國巴貝德斯。離南美大陸的委內瑞拉、圭亞那和蘇里南已經不遠。郵船環繞加勒比海東部島鏈遨遊一圈, 夜伏晝出, 白天停靠沿途的美麗島國, 夜晚續航, 最後再兜回到波多黎各三王。

勇氣號是在巴拿馬註冊, 嘉年華旗下南美遠航船隊征服級郵輪之一。排水量十一萬噸, 航速約二十三節, 船長九百五十三英尺, 載客約三千人, 船員和服務人員約一千二百名, 母港邁阿密嘉年華。船上的餐廳、賭場、泳池、健身、酒吧、免稅店、桑拿、影院、成人劇場、各種娛樂設施一應俱全, 是名副其實的海上城堡。


A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Singapore

Best and most comfortable shoes ever. I did pay $5.00 more than my normal cost.
- Guam

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Singapore

The Nike Air Monarch IV 415445-001 Men's Performance Running Shoes feels comfortable and great for walking
- Liberia

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Singapore

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

I have bought this same shoe for years so I already know they fit me well. They are comfortable and last a long time. So it's all about price and delivery which are both superior on .Com. I love em! (The shoes that is.)
- Singapore

2024-01-12 08:56:49--
Extremely good, I like it, beautiful appearance, convenient to carry, convenient to charge, very good sound quality, satisfied, affordable, and will continue to patronize!

2024-01-12 08:56:17--
The package is exquisite and has a sense of design. The Bluetooth connection is smooth, the sound quality is good, the voice is clear, and the mid tone is full. Satisfied shopping.

2024-01-12 08:55:04--
Very good, very good sound quality, very convenient to use, very fast connection, you can listen to music when you put it on, you can pause when you take it off, the endurance is also good, it's very comfortable to wear, I really like it

2024-01-12 08:55:03--
The sound quality is really good, especially when listening to music and surround sound. The price is not expensive. The most important thing is that it is convenient to carry, especially when driving. More than 200 yuan is really worth it

2024-01-12 08:54:06--
When the wireless headset was delivered to me by express, I couldn't wait to open the package. The headset inherits the simple features. First, charge the charging box, turn on the breathing light, and then set up Bluetooth for second connection. With almost no delay, the headset is smooth, simple, and very comfortable.

2024-01-12 08:51:02--
Never received

2024-01-12 08:50:11--
The shoe look nice from a distance but as you get closer you can tell the shoe isn’t real and when I first opened it, it had a spray paint smell. I also ordered a 10.5 and a 11 came in and the shoe is big on me I will most likely order from you guys again but would like to get the right shoe size. Definitely worth buying though 👍👍

2024-01-12 08:50:07--
These shoes came as described.

2024-01-12 08:50:01--
I received the wrong trainers, however the ones I got Jordan’s were good thanks

2024-01-12 08:47:33--
Got it fast and looks good +++

2024-01-12 08:47:29--
They are legit. Size was spot on

2024-01-12 08:47:15--
Item was as described! Nice shoes.!

2024-01-12 08:46:53--
Great seller, son loves the trainers

2024-01-12 08:45:40--
The shoes are of good quality and comfortable to use and wear

2024-01-04 19:04:01--
Really really love these and the quality. They shipped and arrived super fast amp;#40;less than three weeksamp;#41;. A great quality and amazing seller.

2024-01-04 19:02:22--
The product looks good. I'm satisfied with my order thank you. it came very quickly and the seller messaged me back immediately.

2024-01-04 19:00:43--
Just Perfect

2024-01-04 18:59:46--
All perfect. It took 1 month to arrive.

2024-01-04 18:59:15--
Nikel top quality nothing to say arrives in less than 15 days

2024-01-04 18:58:33--
Very good product! It is quite well for its price!

2024-01-04 18:57:53--
Great quality-price, very happy :) I will buy again

2024-01-04 18:57:24--
Never got my shoes

2024-01-04 18:57:01--
Not good quality. Was very disappointed

2024-01-04 18:54:52--
Unsatisfied. I ordered a 7.5 womans and the shoe was definitely oversized. I messaged seller and they insisted that it was a woman size 7.5, well it couldn't have been if someone who is a size 8/8.5 also found the shoe to be big. I believe this was a 7.5 in men and the maker put the incorrect label. pic of the earth purseched from this seller and my own personal black pair 7.5 to show size comparison.

2024-01-04 18:51:17--
Perfect shoe!!

2024-01-04 18:50:27--
I love the color and look.

2024-01-04 18:49:46--
I buy multiple pairs to stay fresh.

2024-01-04 18:48:32--
I like it very much. I like it very much

2024-01-04 18:45:36--
I didn't expect it to be here so soon, the size is right, and the boss is very nice.

2024-01-04 18:42:29--
gave me the wrong colour and not passable

2024-01-04 18:39:58--
Very good quality

2024-01-04 18:39:06--
Perfect perfect perfect

2024-01-04 18:37:52--
these are legit! and SO comfy

2024-01-04 18:36:07--
for this price I think the quality is very good

2024-01-04 18:35:42--
Secound Time I order love it and highly recommend

2024-01-04 18:33:07--
Great communication but I just would expect it to be messed up

2024-01-04 18:32:52--
These shoes are slightly off but extremely close. The only thing that was off was the inside label but nobody will ever see that anyways. I have a pair of authentic ones and these are identical. Very comfy and quality seems to be great. Thanks!

2024-01-04 18:32:31--
Nice, it came with some little black sticker on the corner of the glasses but still nice

2024-01-04 09:23:32--
Gorgeous ! Well made

2024-01-04 09:22:16--
Great copy nothing but compliments. Going to order more after this review.

2024-01-04 09:21:13--
Second one ordered. Can’t beat the price for this awesome battery. Don’t deal with anyone other than Andrew. Super fast shipping

2024-01-04 09:20:14--
I rarely comment on my purchase, but this eye is really good, with high appearance level and low price. It is also a polaroid lens. It is much easier to wear than the one I bought at the same price before, and the bridge of my nose won't hurt

2024-01-04 09:16:35--
Shipped quickly, received within 3 weeks. Beautiful shoes and identical to the Clifton 8s. If you’re unsure, definitely buy!!!

2024-01-04 09:15:53--
Everything very well !!

2024-01-04 09:14:49--
Great. Very good value for money

2024-01-04 09:14:17--
Shoes came broken and seller promised a discount code for another pair but did not recieve the code only a 8 dollar refund for a broken shoe 🤣

2024-01-04 09:14:09--
I messaged the seller when placing my order to ask for a good pair as I was impressed by the reviews however I got no reply and no communication throughout the whole process, they took 2 weeks to arrive which is good considering COVID however when they came the paint and glue marks were awful, and the black dye runs into the white when wet

2024-01-04 09:12:16--
they're awesome! very realistic

2024-01-04 09:11:08--

2024-01-04 09:09:07--
Just gorgeous ! Beautiful nice quality leather. Packed nicely and exactly as expected. Logo perfect

2024-01-04 09:07:06--
tbh I’m not inlove the clover isn’t even centered in the middle as much looks like it’s lighting immediate give away.. also the necklace and bracelet where the clovers are look scratched up. Also I’ve been wearing it for a few days and it’s already fading!!!! The seller told me in messages it’s not easy to fade! She is a liar do not purchase from this seller I’m so mad!!!!

2024-01-04 09:05:10--
Product was well packaged and the seller always responds to questions within a day. 2 week shipping time, I intend on purchasing again soon.

2024-01-04 09:03:57--
Excellent quality beautiful will be ordering again soon

2024-01-04 09:02:19--
Really good quality really loud basically the real things

2024-01-04 09:02:00--
Looks realistic and sounds great

2024-01-04 09:01:42--
Very good, very good sound insulation.

2024-01-04 09:00:34--
Ordered 2 and they are perfect. All sealed and wrapped with ** seals

2024-01-04 08:59:57--
The quality is very good, and the cover will not fall off. Recommended!

2024-01-04 08:58:31--
It's very easy to use, the sound is clear, the effect is not bad, and the battery life is long.

2024-01-04 08:57:02--
At the same price, this price/performance ratio is really high, with active noise reduction and game mode. Playing games and brushing videos can basically achieve zero delay.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 792 reviews)

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